Radio For The Rest of Us Webinar

With the current stay-at-home situation, all of our in-person presentations have been cancelled in favor of using Webinars. I've been asked to present an online Zoom webinar for the Oak Hills Area Fire Safe Council here in El Dorado County. Other Fire Safe Councils and Groups have asked for details about attending the Webinar and I received approval to invite others to attend.

This is a mash-up of the information I've presented in two earlier live Talks, Phones, Fire and Failures and Radio For The Rest of Us. The presentation has been updated to include recent information about the Neighborhood Radio Watch programs the El Dorado Amateur Radio Club has helped initiate with the Oak Hills and Coloma Lotus Fire Safe Councils.

Although we're not yet back into fire season, this is as good a time as any to start preparing how to keep our communities safer.

Please feel free to share the invitation with your Group:

When: Apr 14, 2020 - 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Radio For The Rest of Us Webinar For The Oak Hills Area Fire Safe Council

You are invited to a Zoom Webinar sponsored by The Oak Hills Area Fire Safe Council, and presented by the El Dorado Amateur Radio Club, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting local Community Safety. The Webinar highlights our collective over-dependence on cell phones and the Internet that can potentially put our lives at risk, especially during fast-moving disasters such as wildfires.

The Webinar details the reasons behind the colossal emergency-communications failures that occurred during the Camp Fire - failures which have repeatedly occurred during many other recent disasters and power shut-offs. It also underscores the limitations of 9-1-1 and other Emergency-response Services, and emphasizes emergency preparedness and self-reliance during disasters (New York is currently experiencing 9-1-1 system overloads due to the Coronavrus).

For years, Amateur Radio Operators (AKA "Hams") have assisted State and Local First Responders by using the power of radios to overcome these persistent communications failures. Radio For The Rest of Us outlines how non-Hams, "The Rest of Us," can also implement a simple "Neighborhood Radio Watch" program to help keep ourselves, our families, and our neighbors safer before, during and after disasters.

The Webinar will include a Q and A session at the end. Participants can type and submit their questions online through the Zoom Chat feature.

Please click the link to join the webinar:
Password is: 770916
You will be prompted to install the free Zoom App on your computer.

Or you can join by iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699009128,,495625937# or +13462487799,,495625937#

You can also join by Telephone. This will allow you to hear the audio portion in case your computer lacks speakers:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799

Webinar ID is: 495 625 937

Here are some resources explaining how to join in a Zoom Webinar:
Video (4 minutes):
Joining and participating in a webinar (attendee):
For more background information about these Presentations, see:

Best Regards,
Alan Thompson

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